Bacon Wrapped Prawns over Arugula, in London!
When talking about my digestion challenges and diet people often ask “How do you do that while touring???”
This series of posts is how I’m currently doing it.
I’ll try to post when things change so you can see the tweaks!
Summer 2016 Edition –
Diet: Ketogenic/ Low Fiber/ Ultra Low Carbohydrate
Purpose: Reduce fermentation in my guts from fiber, which mitigates my physical and mental symptoms.
Tracking Method: My Fitness Pal (micronutrient tracking and percentages)
I’m currently eating about 1400 cal on the road, 80% of which comes from fat, 15% from protein and 5% from carbohydrates. On this diet, I am not hungry. The fat keeps me sated.
Vital Proteins Pasture Raised Collagen Peptides (or Bulletproof Upgraded Collagen)
Heavy Cream (2oz +/-, enough to turn the coffee beige)
Lunch/When I get hungry/Snacks:
Any combination of the following:
-2T of peanut butter (ok, usually this is eaten alone)
-1 Hard Boiled Egg and 1-2T of Pasture Raised Lard (duck or pork by Epic brand right now)
-2T of Fermented foods if I have it: Kimchi or Sauerkraut
-1 Can of Sardines (Trader Joe’s)
-1 Pot of Duck Rillets (this is what I’m looking forward to in the Netherlands!)
-1 small head or ½ a regular heart of romaine lettuce
Usually the venue serves us dinner. I request something like a burger patty or another piece of protein (salmon, steak, chicken thigh etc.) on lettuce. If not, like in Europe, I eat more of the above from the lunch category. Also, Wine.
Side Note:
Touring is expensive because eating out is expensive. If I ordered the dinner listed above it’s about $15. I travel with a bag of foods I can eat to help subsidize the cost. It’s not as fun as eating out but it lets me afford the supplements and every three months or so follow-ups with a doctor. It also isn’t usually worth it to order a meal out because I’m 100% more likely to not feel great due to industrial oils or cross contamination or just quality of the food. So I try to pick my battles based.
If I do eat out… I order:
Scrambled Eggs (with or without cheese!) and bacon (and sometimes sausage)
Meat and lettuce
- Chipotle: chicken and lettuce
- Outback: Steak and greens (spinach or side salad)
- Any Café USA: Salad with a protein on top (hold any onions and usually add thousand island or Caesar dressing)
I also travel with a small cooler bag and ice pack, which go in a freezer over night (either in my room or with the front desk at the hotel). I keep my probiotics in this. I’m also starting to travel with heavy cream because most restaurants do not have it and it helps me having a filling breakfast coffee/protein drink. I also can control the source of the cream this way. I prefer organic, pasture raised.
You can follow along on Instagram with my hashtag #howdoyoueatontheroad